It's time...

... It's time to not sink back to old weights...
... It's time to feel good about the skin you're in...
... It's time to end yo-yo dieting, binge eating, and feeling hungry...
... It's time for sustainable weight loss...

What this blog aims to achieve:

1. An opportunity for me to discuss my own feelings and experiences with weight loss.
2. An opportunity for others to share their own experiences and feelings.
3. An opportunity for us all to get through this together.

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Remerging (again)!

Hey all,

Yeah i disappeared again for a while. But you know what the fantastic thing about disappearing these days, is that it doesn't mean a relapse for me anymore...! I'm still within my healthy weight range... Maybe some day i'll want to be a bit slimmer, but I'm ok where I am for now! And the best bit is - that it hasn't been hard! Because of the changes I made when losing weight (i was going to say: "it was a lifestyle change" - but how many of us who say we are undertaking a "lifestyle change" can honestly live with that?), I've been able to eat what i want when i want, and not even think about my weight at all to maintain it. Does anyone else think that's great? It's like my body has found the new me, and liked it so much it automatically wants to stay there!

So how long has it been now since i went on a plight to a thinner me, forever, and sustainably?

Well it's been a whole year. For the first time in my life, I've maintained a thinner weight for a year, with no pain, no difficulty no nothing. In the past: I'd lose the weight in 2-3 months through ridiculous eating-restriction and exercise regimens, and then within a month or so would go back to the weight i was before, usually more.

Well anyway, i'm going to get out of my pajamas and stop being a lazy bugger!

Love Nikki