Lol and i don't know what to do with myself...
On another note: 2nd WI last friday, -2.0kg! But, lol that's expected after the week i had before my first WI!
I think i may have got past the 70kg threshold...!!! But not sure, as the weighing scales are a bit tempermental - i think they were below the 70 this morning, but i'll check to see whether they stay under for the next few days or not (i should get digital scales...! much easier to read - especially when you've lost your glasses!)
Doing really well in most ways, though this week. I'm actually having to force myself to be strong and eat carbohydrates with every meal (yeah that sounds strange, but i have a past dieting history of avoiding carbohydrates like the plague when i'm trying to lose weight...!). But i'm making myself do it this time, and not bingeing on slice after slice of white bread has never been this easy!!! (i'm actually not craving bread at all, which is odd cos white bread and cheese are usually the two things i crave most wehn i'm losing weight... but i've been eating both, so that must be why!) lol... now i just have to wait for the weight loss...
Damn, just finished my coffee... I'm trying to wean down to only 1 cup a day (i absolutely adore my coffeee... so don't think its a caffeine addiction or anything!!!)... but i'm thinking that i should try and get it down to one.... oh stuff that, i want another one!!! lol... two isn't that bad, considering i don't drink black tea or coke or anything else with caffeine in it... But yeah, we just got a new coffee grinder (our old one was an electric dutch one my grandparents passed down to my dad - about 40 years old!!! but the size of the granules was getting a bit variable: like the difference between icing sugar (clogging up the espresso filter pores), and granular toffee sugar (makes filthy coffee)... but this new breville one is pretty good! I feel very sad having to say goodbye to our old one... but the time has come...
Set myself a goal this week... Since i'm on holidays i have plenty of time on my hands. SO, i'm aiming at 1-1.5hrs of exercise a day. SO here is the plan:
Monday: AM: walking / housework (30min), PM: c25k run (30m)
Tuesday: AM: walking (at home/uni/normo) (50 min), PM: soccer training (1hr)
Wednesday: AM: pilates (45min), PM: walking at city with parents to see Billy Elliot (30min)
Thursday: AM: C25k run (30min), PM: walk to tutoring (1h 30min)
Friday: AM: pilates (45min), PM: walking / housework (30 min)
Saturday: AM: C25k run (30min), PM: out to 21st at city, walking (45min)
Sunday: PM: beecroft walking loop (1h 30min)

I'll probably be late home on sat night/sun morning, hence that's why i'm leaving that nice long walk to clear my head in the afternoon. I've just found a secret to the hangover/late night seediness the day after you go out - lots and lots of fruit, and a long long walk! I felt pretty bad yesterday (i only had 3 standard drinks so not so much hangover, but i was really tired - not much sleep!) and that fruit and walk did absolute wonders! I felt like a new person! (something that lying on the couch for 5 hours before the couch didn't fix!).
Ps! managed to keep the uni stress-related eating at bay last week! Did this by staying in control: not of my eating, but of my assignment! By getting down and doing it, and telling myself i had plenty of time so it was all ok - i didn't give in, and still got to exercise too! So looks like my plan to attack stress eating worked!!!
Uni starts again next tuesday... eek! Haven't been in clinical surroundings for a year, so i'm pretty nervy about it!
Take care all,
Love Nikki
Congrats Nikki! Well done getting your thesis in - that's huge! Enjoy your week of down time - you definitely deserve it.
Hope your huge work out week is fun!
just read your comments on my blog - i'm glad you have some of the same experience, lol!
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