It's time...

... It's time to not sink back to old weights...
... It's time to feel good about the skin you're in...
... It's time to end yo-yo dieting, binge eating, and feeling hungry...
... It's time for sustainable weight loss...

What this blog aims to achieve:

1. An opportunity for me to discuss my own feelings and experiences with weight loss.
2. An opportunity for others to share their own experiences and feelings.
3. An opportunity for us all to get through this together.

Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Day One: About Me

Well, it's not really day one. About two months ago was when i made the choice to say goodbye to binge eating and took a leap of faith. I knew i was binge eating because i wasn't eating enough on a regular basis, but taking that step of eating more when all i wanted to do was diet - was the hardest thing i have ever done.

Two months in, and a collegue says: "hey, have you lost weight?"
Sure enough when i got home i weighed myself and i had lost 5 kilograms! The ravenous uncontrollable hunger was gone, and i was feeling good. I had achieved this all by eating what i wanted, when i wanted it, and stopping when i was full.

AFter that 5 kilograms - i was keen for more, so i lost another 5 kilograms by starting another diet again. But because i had had that break before, the ravenous hunger didn't set in - at least not until recently.

So about 2 weeks ago, i took the second most difficult step of my life - i stopped dieting again, and started eating what i want again. At first it was hard, and i found i was still restricting - but recently i've been eating things i would have called "unhealthy": roast lamb, grilled bacon and poached eggs, toast with honey - etc etc etc - all things that i ignored when on a diet because i was afraid my weight would balloon.

It's been two weeks, and I'm still on 70 kilograms! The hunger is almost gone, but i still think i need more time on weight maintenance before i tackle weight loss again. I'm not ready to lose weight again just yet! Well, mentally i am - but physically i know my body needs time. And i'm strong in this resolve because i know that by doing this, i'm reducing the chance of ever going over 70 kilograms again!

Well, wish me luck, and wish me strength!

As always - if you have an questions about how to achieve this, feel free to comment or send me an email. I'm passionately devoted to helping anyone achieve a healthy relationship with food again, and avoid those starvation/binge periods that are destroying your body.

Love Nikki

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